Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Dick DeVos airs new lie ad....But what else is new

It seems money can't buy you everything huh Dick? It seems Dick DeVos has change course today DeVos' ads went from fluffy ads with no substance to attacking ads with no substance.. Today lame ad from DeVos and the Michigan Republicans started off with some yellow brown color background with this whinny voice woman comes on and talks about how Granholm is misleading about the fact that Dick DeVos has and will continue shipping Michigan jobs overseas for cheap labor.. What you got to understand when Republicans cite newspapers "sources"to refute any charges being made about their record or what they're about they misleading cite editorials or articles written by friendly writers of these newspapers to give them at least some sort of shield before the other side responds. It wouldn't surprise me if the articles this whinny voice woman repeated were probably written by Nolan Finley and Frank Beckman the two right wing hacks of the Detroit News or some brain dead Michigan Republican adding their two cents via the opinion page of any newspapers cited in the new lie ad by the DeVos campaign and the Michigan Republicans. In the Granholm ads she hasn't stated any attacks regarding Dick DeVos habit of shipping jobs overseas for cheap labor she mention the goggle jobs and the two auto companies she manage to woo to the state, and today news by landing a new tech company here does damper the Michigan Republican talking point that Granholm doesn't bring in jobs. The fact is of this campaign Dick DeVos has no plan for the state, DeVos broke a state record for spending 10 million dollars in ads and he hasn't state a plan once wait I take that back if you count going to his website that's his plan.. And when you do go to his site he makes tons and tons of promises of what he's going to do but he doesn't tell you how he's going to pay for it. For a guy whining in his ads about let's get down to business he hasn't just fake promises, no plans and fluff. Hey Dick how about doing this once in one tv ads get off the giant book of your "plans" and actually say something worth 10 million dollars. And I would challenge any Dick DeVos backer and any Michigan Republican to tell me what's DeVos plans and defend his shipping jobs overseas idea.

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