Monday, September 11, 2006

When DeVos can't defend he make stuff up..

Sitting around the house on a late Saturday afternoon, I spotted the latest and lamest of Dick DeVos political attack ads, you can tell little Dicky is worry about Granholm pounding home Amway and China from now to November 6 he appeared in this one after being oddly absent in the previous four ads he ran. To save you good folks the time and save your heads from exploding by the glaring hypocrisy on display by Amway Dude I'll give you the Cliff Notes version. The ad opens up with the recycle clip of the plants he brought off moving their things to a moving van and showing the factory with the chains on the fence then you see Amway dude standing there with his uncomfortable smile whining about how the MDP and Granholm are sinking to negative attacks never mind he was the first one to fire off four negative of the campaign and he's trying to limit Granholm and Michigan Democratic response by having his lawyers flying around the state demanding the stations not to show the ad but anyway in his ads he made two claims one that his company didn't ship any jobs out of the state and the other he claims he created 4,000 jobs sound impressive right? Well DeVos backers don't gloat yet he didn't cite anything to back either claim so for all I know he's pulling that out of his butt. But the dumbest part of the ad is where he recycles quotes he got in trouble for Quote Accurately, Even in Attack Ads . And he uses Nolan Finley editorial snip supporting the idea of doing more business with China now if you're new to local politics or a vet you know for DeVos using a Nolan Finley quote is very much like using a quote from Besty DeVos or the Michigan Republican chair it will have the same effect. Finley will defend any GOP screw up or crime they commit you see Nolan is a company guy. Wrapping up the ad more whining from Amway dude he says when you hear these attacks you know their false um sure Dick whatever you say Granholm For Governor: China Truth Squad In closing for a dude screaming about false ads DeVos was the one who had ads pulled for distortion from "Left Behind" to the so called struggling business man. Amway dude has spent close to 25 million in ads and not one ad display a plan he has for the state or what he will do once elected all he offers is myth and out right lies. This latest two ads blaming Granholm for everything to not having small class to the Tigers losing three games in Minnesota nevermind she has to deal with an very uncooperative state house run by the Michigan Republicans who are on the payroll of DeVos and Amway and she has to clean up more than a decade of mess left by John Engler note a man Dick DeVos supported.

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