Thursday, October 19, 2006

Kathy doing some single state recession debunking

STONE SOUP MUSINGS: I'm Not Buying What DeVos is Selling Here's a great post from Kathy in which she's breaks down the single state recession the Amway Dick, The Michigan GOP and his allies in the Detroit "News" like to tell us we're in.


Kathy said...

Thanks for the link, Johnny C. The GOP must think we all live in bubbles and don't get out much. If Katrina taught us anything, it was that people are down and out across this country and Michigan is not alone.

Motor City Liberal Returns said...

No prob Kathy I'm just passing on your great post. The more information out there to debunk the Amway Dick single "message" the better because I'm scared as hell to think what the state will look like after four years with him at charge.