Tuesday, March 06, 2007

CPAC 2007: The Unauthorized Documentary

This video was shot by Max Blumenthal from "The Nation" magazine during the right wing yearly crap throwing festival that was held last week, dude does an excellent job getting under the con pundit skin just by confronting them and make them defend their position for example we all know Michelle Malkin right? Well if you don't know who she is I tell you who she is, Michelle wrote a book saying what America did to the Japanese during World War II you know putting them internment camp was a good thing and we should do that to Muslim Americans until we win the war on terror. Blumenthal put her on the spot during her book signing by asking her to autograph a photo of Japanese Americans locked up at one of these camps and the way she acted was priceless, she loses it not only she runs away she admits her book contain errors. Second highlight is was when Blumenthal meets up with David Horowitz, if you don't know who Horowitz he's a dude who spends millions of Richard Melon Scaife money to write hit pieces on college teachers. All he does is ramble talking points Liberals full of hate blah.. the left hate conservatives blah and accuse the left of hating him which that one is actually true David Horowitz is doucebag of the highest degree. And you see various other low level right wing pundits. After watching the video you see how fragile and paranoid the conservative movement has become since getting their ass kick back on November 7th.


Motor City Liberal Returns said...

You conservatives are a lame sort, you guys can't deal with the crust of the subject so you try to use the English route. Which is funny because you conservatives are known for having insane amount of spelling errors.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives are currently funding Obama, are they going to get away with this?
