Monday, April 30, 2007

Liberal media quite regarding Mitt's Bin Laden comment

The Top 10 Conservative Idiots - The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 289 Mitt Romney I wonder what Rudy Giuliani will make of Mitt Romney's recent comments during an interview with the Associated Press? On the topic of Osama bin Laden, Romney said, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person."Talking Points Memo noted last week that the "liberal" media has remained remarkably quiet about this comment: We noted yesterday that such a quote coming from a Democrat would have been broadly covered by the big news organizations and probably would have triggered a major outcry.Curiously, though, Romney's quote has been met with near-total silence.A news search shows there hasn't been any coverage of it beyond the original AP write-up yesterday, where the comment itself was buried towards the bottom of the piece.There's been almost no mention of it whatsoever in any of the places where one would expect such a thing to provoke outrage - that is, in the conservative media and blogosphere. There are no mentions of it on Power Line Blog, Town Hall, InsaPundit, Human Events, or notably the site of Hugh Hewitt, who has written a pro-Romney book.My guess is they figure it's not worth writing about beacuse by this time next week Romney will have changed his mind. Piggy backing on this, I could tell you what would happen if any of the Dems said this, Rush will spend all three hours dragging that Dem over the coals, Dennis Prager and Laura Ingrahm with the combine audience of five people will be telling them see the terrorist want the Democrats to win, O'Reilly will be screaming at some Democratic strategist nobody ever heard of, Sean Hannity will start a 10 part miniseries on why that Dem love terrorist and Savage will scream to his socially retarded audience about why the Dems will let every two bit teorrist attack then go back talking about how gay people will unleash their plan of turning you gay.

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