Saturday, August 18, 2007

John Edwards calls Coulter "she-devil"

Edwards calls Ann Coulter 'she-devil' 08/18/2007 @ 10:49 amFiled by RAW STORY "Former Sen. John Edwards on Friday fired the latest round in his ongoing verbal feud with Ann Coulter, calling her a 'she-devil' at a public event before quickly adding that he shouldn't engage in name-calling," according to a blog post at ABC News. Excerpts: Edwards, D-N.C., was railing against the right-wing media -- including Fox News and Rush Limbaugh -- when he reminded a crowd in Burlington, Iowa, that his wife stood up to Coulter in a public spat earlier this summer. "We know these people. We know their game plan. They're going to attack us personally," Edwards said. "They attacked Elizabeth personally, because she stood up to that she-devil Ann Coulter. … I should not have name-called. But the truth is -- forget the names -- people like Ann Coulter, they engage in hateful language." In front of a Republican-leaning crowd on Chris Matthew's "Hardball" earlier this year, Coulter received an unexpected phone call from Elizabeth Edwards, asking the "journalist" to raise the level of public discourse in America above personal attacks. "In the South, when somebody does something that displeases us, we like to ask them politely to stop doing it," said Edwards. "I'd like to ask Ann Coulter too. If she'd like to debate on issues, on positions -- we certainly disagree with nearly everything she said on your show today -- but it's quite another matter for these personal attacks." The call came on the heels of a "Good Morning America" appearance where Coulter was asked about her homophobic cutdown of the former North Carolina Senator a few months ago. "So I've learned my lesson. If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future," she replied. "I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot." Raw Story Video: Elizabeth Edwards on why she called Ann Coulter. Read the full blog post here. MCL comment: I have worst things to call Ann Coulter, but Edwards hit it on the head all this "woman" has done in her career is slime, attack and advocated death against people she doesn't like. Ann Coulter has no value other than spewing hate that fire up that blood thristy, brain dead right wing zombies that make up the new Republican base. She can't debate anyone without screaming "why are you attacking me?" Her books, Ann Coulter needs right wing groups to buy her books in bulk so she can show up on the "New York Times" list a paper the conservatives hate but love to be listed on their best seller list. Recap Ann Coulter is hateful, no talent, only debate Alan Colmes on Rigged News, media whore that need people of the same ilk to buy her books in bulk to get ahead in life. Maybe when 2008 comes and goes and the Democrats take the White House and make additional gains in both houses Coulter, Hannity, Limbaug and their clones go the way of the dinosaurs.

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