Friday, November 20, 2009

New Missouri billboard tells Americans to ‘prepare for war’ against the government.

By Amanda Terkel

Fired Up! Missouri points out that the Lafayette County Republican Central Committee is highlighting a new billboard in the state with steps for a “citizens guide to revolution of a corrupt government“:

Missouri GOP Billboard

This billboard replaces one that warned that the socialist “Obama-Nation” is “coming for you.” It’s unclear who the owner of the billboard is, but the first one was the work of a “Missouri businessman.”

Motor City Liberal comment: Again and again I have to remind the Republicans and my new right wing lurker what Republicans and their allies in the right wing media did to George W. Bush critics again when Natalie Maines said she was ashamed she was ashamed being from the same state the right wing tried to ruin the Dixie Chicks' careers and the Republicans created the narrative if you didn't support Bush you might as well be rooting for the terrorists. Now the Republicans and their minions in the right wing press are openly inciting the nuts in their ranks to do something.


Anonymous said...

Uh, you might want to ease up on the run-on sentences. You might be more persuasive that way. well, OK, maybe not, but it's still a better way to write.

This is a way cool site though. Whoever you are, you sure are all hot and bothered about people like Glenn Beck. Give it a rest. He's a talking head.

Motor City Liberal Returns said...

The larger point is during the 9.11 exploitation era of the Bush administration if anyone said something remotely critical of George W. Bush his allies in the right wing press went after them.

Now I'm not saying you can't have opinions that's critical of President Obama but what the right is doing is inciting violence against this president. If the Daily Kos took out a billboard telling people to revolt against the government back in early 2005 Rush, Hannity and their clones would be talking about it for weeks.

As for Glenn Beck, it's one thing he just repeats RNC talking points and call it information it's clearly another thing when he incite violence against the president and pass off RNC talking points as actual information.

In a room of 200 right wingers at least 20 of them are crazy enough to pick up a gun and do something. And if you hammer the idea that their way of life is being threaten day in and day out one of those 20 wing nuts could act.

Anonymous said...

Johnny C - there are nutcases on both sides of the fence. I don't think that 10% of right wingers are crazy enough to pick up a gun and do something (your math). Maybe 5%, and they'd probably be right! Just kidding, sort of.

The real nuts are on the fringes of both the right and left, but sometimes they are necessary to drive home a point. As a nation, we are now so effed that there really should be a revolution in the streets. But there's not. So sometimes good thinking people drift to the fringes to point out that things are really dire, and the people need to wake up before it's too late. I see nothing wrong with that. More Americans should be alarmed that they live in a kleptocracy, supported by administrations both Bush and Obama. You should be equally alarmed. If you're not, then you need to look at why you aren't pissed as Hell, not as to why others are.

Communications guru said...

“There are nutcases on both sides of the fence?” I’m afraid not. Can you give me an example of a liberal commentator pushing a liberal to incite violence, or even liberal committing violence? I can give you plenty of examples of right-wingers who committed violence.

Revolution in the streets? President Obama won with a clear victory. Bush got fewer votes in 2000 than Gore, and I didn’t see anyone on my side calling for violence or revolution. My biggest problem with President Obama is that he is too moderate. However, he is a leader guiding this country in the right direction.

Motor City Liberal Returns said...

Guru is right as much as Keith Olbermann went after the Bush administration he didn't tell his viewers to revolt against the government.

Again I have to bring up the point when Bush was president Republicans and their allies in the right wing media made it a federal offense if you spoke ill of the president.

Like I said if you guys want to critical of President Obama on the issues have at it, but what I see from the right wing is they begging people to do something violent towards the government.