Wednesday, June 02, 2010

McCain tries to blame the Gaza flotilla raid on Obama.

By Matt Corley

In response to the Israeli raid of a flotilla of ships in international waters transporting aid to the Gaza Strip on Monday, the United Nations Security Council called for “a full investigation into the matter.” But some conservatives have already arrived at the conclusion that the incident is somehow a fault of the Obama administration. “We have to ask if the Obama administration remains committed to the state of Israel and the right of Israel to exist and defend herself,” Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) told Politico, adding that “this weekend shows how” the White House’s posture towards the Israeli government “has played out.” On Fox News last night, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) declared that the deadly flotilla raid was “another step in a chain of unfortunate events beginning with President Obama’s insistence that there be a [settlement construction] freeze”:

MCCAIN: So what I think is, they wanted to provoke an international incident.

HANNITY: Well, they did.

MCCAIN: And possibly a crisis to bring more pressure to bear against Israel. But this is another step in a chain of unfortunate events beginning with President Obama’s insistence that there be a freeze, as a precondition for peace talks, a freeze on settlements in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, not a settlement.

Watch it:

Update Media Matters notes how the right-wing media is rushing to blame Obama for the Gaza flotilla incident.

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