Wednesday, July 06, 2011

White supremacist David Duke moves toward presidential run

By David Edwards/Raw Story

Another Republican is itching to jump into the 2012 presidential race.
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is launching a 25 state tour to drum up support for a presidential run, according to the The Daily Beast.
While the presidential hopeful claims his views have evolved, he recently described himself as a "white civil rights advocate" to The Daily Beast's Eve Conant.
Duke last held office in 1992, when he served as a state representative in Louisana. Until 2000, he was Republican executive-committee chairman in his district.
"David Duke is launching a Duke for President exploratory committee, and will soon start a year long tour across America from his home base in Mandeville, LA," Duke's website claimed last year. "He plans to speak in every state and gauge the political response to his possible entry into the race for the Republican nomination."
"Over the past few weeks, since the release of his, 'David Duke Speaks to the Tea Party' video, thousands of Tea Party activists have urged him to run for President."
Less than a year ago, Duke recorded the following video to explain his presidential platform.

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