Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fun with conservative blogs: Return of Amy Proctor

Summary: like two years ago I had few post about the conservative blog sphere but I stop running those post for two reason 1. my attention span sucks and 2. going to conservative blogs is pretty much like looking at the sun for a while it hurts your eyes. Conservative bloggers are about as useful as three legged race horse, while their main purpose is get their readers to exchange the daily talking points among themselves and harass or dumb down their friends or neighbors with those talking yet most conservative blogs are not really effective. If you're a conservative why read a blog when 95% of talk radio is conservative, why read a blog when you a cable news network is dedicated to your point of view? While time to time there are blogs that catch my eye it's only because of the sheer hypocrisy, the number of lies that blog has or it's one of those niche right blogs, like Amy Proctor a right wing blogger I touch upon in a post like two years ago. Amy is the pro life- pro war blogger who spent time protesting Cindy Sheehan and proud of the fact she supports a war that country was lie into. I correspond with her and her zombie like readers on her blog and she and her one zombie correspond to me on my blog. Anyway the point of this was I was thinking about what were the low level conservative bloggers were talking about on their blogs so I decided to go to Amy Proctor's blog to see what she and the 23%ers are saying now since Barack Obama won the election like three months ago. And she didn't disappointed me(thank you Amy) for one she has a 12 year old girl speaking out against abortion, that's right a 12 year old girl speaking on the ills of abortion. The girls I knew at that age were talking about their favorite R and B group or which boy they liked, but hey you're never too young to have your brainwashed. Other then that Amy's blog is your standard right wing blog cherry pick poll numbers, half truth and bold face lies. So drop over to Amy's blog and be prepare to amazed by right wing craziness at its finest.

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