Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas: Christmas Bells Snoopy vs. The Red Baron

1 comment:

The Ol' Captain said...

Hey guys, the "Ol' Captain" here, fan club president for the band, "The Royal Guardsmen". We very much appreciate you showing them a little love, since they're actively playing and recording again, and we're trying to get the fan base kick started.
Obviously, they're known for the big 3 hits they had, (Snoopy vs.Red Baron, Return of the Red Baron, and Snoopys Christmas) but they're also good musicians and really nice guys, too. Like most bands, their best stuff isn't whats played on the radio.
If it's cool with you, we'd love anyone interested to come on over to facebook and "like" The Royal Guardsmen, and from there you can stay current regarding news, tour dates and we even have semi monthly giveaways, one should be coming up soon.
I think I speak for the group when I say a great big thanks for this, have a great day, guys!
Here's the link, , hope to see you there!