Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Pandering Pete Hoekstra

In response to a wave of negative reactions to his $75,000 Super Bowl ad buy (filmed in California), Pete Hoekstra has tried to deflect criticism by accusing Democrats of “talk(ing) about race when they can’t defend their records...” Unfortunately for Pete, the ad has been panned by figures on all sides of the political spectrum, from national Republican consultants and state GOP leaders to a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, who called it “blatantly racist.”  
Maybe Hoekstra thought shooting a slick Hollywood ad depicting racist caricatures would generate lots of free publicity and distract Michigan voters from the fact that he can’t defend his own record of doublespeak and hypocrisy.
Consider the facts:
Pandering Pete Hoekstra is making a cynical bet that Michigan voters are going to buy into his expensive ad campaign to try and hide his real record. But Michiganders are tired of politicians who aren’t real, and will say and do anything to get elected. Sign our petition to let Pete Hoekstra know he needs to come clean and let voters know who he really is - tell Pete Hoekstra to Get Real.

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