Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Romney Spokesperson Touts Massachusetts’ Individual Mandate

By Igor Volsky/Think Progress
Mitt Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul appeared on Fox News Wednesday morning to criticize a controversial Priorities USA ad, which implies that the former Bain Capital executive is to blame for a woman’s death after her husband was laid off by the company. But in absolving Romney of responsibility, Saul awkwardly embraced the individual mandate and other provisions in the Massachusetts health care law that Romney has pledged to repeal for the nation as part of his attack on Obamacare.
Saul insisted that Romney was not in charge of Bain when the woman lost her job and employer-sponsored health insurance coverage — and died from cancer years later — but suggested that she would have been eligible for government-subsidized insurance under Romneycare:
SAUL: To that point, you know, if people had been in Massachusetts under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care. There are a lot of people losing their jobs and their health care in President Obama’s economy.

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