Friday, January 04, 2013

Forbes Ranks Michigan Only 47th Best State for Business

But Nolan Finley and Steve Mitchell says I'm the greatest
governor ever so there.

From Michigan Democratic Party

Snyder’s $1.8 Billion Tax Giveaway Results in Michigan Not Improving

LANSING – Forbes Magazine has released its rankings of the Best States for Business, and Michigan has not improved its slot at number 47, despite Gov. Rick Snyder slashing taxes for big corporations and making up the difference by taxing seniors’ pensions, cutting funding for public education and municipal governments.
“Governor Snyder sold voters a bill of goods when he said his $1.8 billion in tax cuts for corporate special interests would make Michigan more attractive to business development,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer. “Snyder has yet to demonstrate how many jobs were created because of his massive tax giveaway to corporations. Slashing funding for our kids’ schools, our public universities and municipal services like fire, police and libraries has actually made our state less attractive to businesses.”
The Forbes list of Best States for Business is available here:

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