Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Meltdown in stupid town

 I  admit I'm a big fan of wingnut Twitter because when wingnut Twitter gets angry and starts lashing out, they let their hypocrisy fly. From the self-hate queen, Candace Ownes, to mutant manchild Dan Bongino, they're screaming about how this country is becoming a banana republic because their beloved Orange Dummy has his lair raided by the FBI. They forget that Orange Dummy wanted AG Bill Barr to indict Vice President Biden weeks before the election. The idea goes back further about Trump wanting his political rivals locked up.

I suspect driving the fear and rage from the right is that the guy they're defending has a history of snitching on other criminals as a get out of jail or reduced penalty card. There are probably some documents that point to other high-ranking Republican officials knowing criminal wrongdoing, and that scares them. Between the Roe decision and Republican government overreach, and President Biden and the Democrats racking up the Ws, Republicans don't need to have their former president looking like the two-bit crime boss he is.

And if Republicans think threatening retaliation is going to boost their falling chances of winning back the house, I don't know how. If you follow me on Twitter, I've been saying this since January there's no red wave, and what happened to the Orange Dummy last night is more of that. The voters who are angry about what happened to the Orange Dummy last night are already voting Nazi in the fall.

My prediction is when the more shit is revealed, the more it's going to damage the Republican Party.

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