We knew the bottom line . . . was ultimately to shut down a lot of our development. And it didn’t make any sense because it was based on these global warming studies that now we’re seeing (is) a bunch of snake oil science.
In reality, the 2006 Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, a “product of research by 300 scientists from northern countries, warned that the Arctic is warming at a rate much faster than the rest of the Earth.” Arctic ice is now at historically low levels. Last year, George Bush’s Fish and Wildlife Service director Dale Hall testified that there was no significant scientific uncertainty in the endangerment posed by global warming to polar bears, based on numerous scientific studies. In contrast, when Palin petitioned to overturn the endangerment finding, she cited a paper funded by Exxon Mobil, the American Petroleum Institute, and Koch Industries. Now that’s snake oil science.
MCL comment: Alright I pretty much kept my thoughts about Sarah Palin to myself or at least didn't go into a long winded run on rant about her, but who in the blue bloody hell cares what she think? The woman needed a refresher course on both World Wars and she still thinks Saddam was behind 9.11 so why would anyone take her opinion on climate change seriously?
I'm not trying to be a dick about this but I'm going to repeat this Sarah Palin needed someone to explain to her why there was a World War one and two yet she has the nerve to make comments about a complex subject like climate change. I know the Republicans are in a dire need of a hero but damn couldn't they wait until people forgot about George W. Bush before they seek out another know nothing.
Really if you made George W. Bush into an attractive, middle-age woman, who's proud of the fact she doesn't know what's going on around her and can spout corporate friendly talking points with a wink and a smile he would be Sarah Palin.
Well, it's about time someone of national prominence stood up and said the simple "emperor has no clothes" truth: GLOBAL WARMING IS A MYTH! IT'S BEING USED BY ENVIRONMENTALISTS TO STOP DEVELOPMENT, AND BY GLOBALISTS WHO WANT TO FORCE THE UNITED STATES TO GIVE UP ITS POSITION AS THE WORLD'S SOLE HYPER POWER. Global warming has all the science behind it that global cooling had back in the 70's - in other words, it's nothing but hype. Wake up people! Do you have to be suckers your ENTIRE lives?
Um I rather stick with the 99.9% of the scientists that says climate change is real. You and your fellow right wingers can believe whatever you want that's fine with me.
Again I have to tell you Sarah Palin needed someone to explain to her World War one and two stuff she should remember from history class in junior high school.
Someone who needed a recap on why there was a World War one and two shouldn't be speak freely about science.
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