From Think Progress
After canceling a speech on income inequality last week at the University of Pennsylvania after learning it would be open to the public, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) spoke today at the University of Michigan. It was clear why he had avoided the public previously, as 99 Percent Movement protesters stood silently during the speech while other audience members responded vocally to Cantor’s statements. Some photos via Steve Friess:
Very impressive. If you don't like what someone is saying, attempt to suppress it.
Seig Hiel!
Are you stupid you cannot even see the irony in UM students talking about the 1%?
God, you're a joke.
Because a right-wing blog says it doesn't make it true but hey I guess to you it doesn't matter. As for your other comment not everyone that does well believe they should be excuse from paying their fair share in taxes.
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