While yesterday’s tea party rally outside the Capitol drew an anemic crowd of about only 300, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) urged supporters to keep up the fight against health care reform for the rest of the week. Bachmann warned that Democrats will bring in “MoveOn.org people” “to really beat the living tar out them” — presumably referring to lawmakers who are not sure how they’ll vote — and called on “real people” to “keep flooding here”:
BACHMANN: What they plan to do is keep everyone here and beat the living snot out of them through Saturday and then try to get the vote on Saturday. That’s their goal. So, the main thing is the more people that can just keep flooding here between now and Saturday to keep the pressure up. Because my guess is they’ll probably be bringing in a lot of MoveOn.org people on Saturday to really beat the living tar out of them. That’s my guess. So the more we get real people here, the better.
Watch it (beginning at 0:35):
Bachmann’s “real people” comment is reminiscent of Fox News contributor Sarah Palin’s claim that “small towns” represent “the real America” where people are “pro-America.”
M.C.L comment: Tea baggers real Americans? Tea baggers didn't care when Bachmann and her follow GOPers in the house and senate goose marched behind George W.Bush when he ran up the deficit. Tea baggers didn't care when 9 billion dollars in tax payers money vanished in thin air in Iraq, I didn't hear tea baggers gathering outside offices of congress people screaming read the bill when the Bush White House pushed through the Patriot Act and I certainly didn't see the Boner or his no lip sidekick over in the senate holding up and throwing down deficit inflating bills George Bush wanted.
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