Yesterday, ThinkProgress reported that several Democratic offices around the nation had been vandalized in the days surrounding the House health care vote. Vandals have struck the Tuscon office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), the Monroe County Democratic Committee headquarters in upstate New York, Rep. Louise Slaughter’s (D-NY) Niagara Falls office, the Knox County Democratic headquarters in Ohio, and the Sedgwick County Democratic Party headquarters in Wichita, KS. The local Rochester ABC affiliate now has more information on the upstate NY vandalism, including an assassination threat against the children of lawmakers who voted for health reform:
No one was inside when the brick was hurled through the Democratic Patry Headquarters on University Avenue. Attached was a note quoting conservative Barry Goldwater: “Exremism [sic] in defense of liberty is no vice”. [...]
[Rep. Louise] Slaughter has been at the center of the push for reform. Last Thursday she received a chilling recorded message at her campaign office. “Assassinate is the word they used…toward the children of lawmakers who voted yes.”
The FBI is now investigating.
Pictures of the note attached to the brick thrown at the Monroe County Democratic Committee headquarters:
Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars is taking credit for inspiring the vandalism, saying that he’s urging people to break Democratic offices’ windows. He insists that he’s not advocating violence. (HT: BruinKid)
M.C.L comment: Honestly Democrats gotta press charges against the tea party klan folks because these A-holes will get more bold and threatening the lives of children proves these people are nothing more than right wing cowards, I didn't like Bush but I didn't mashed up GOP offices or threaten the lives of their children because I didn't like a political outcome..
Speaking of political outcomes isn't it funny the same people that told us to get over it, move on and telling us that elections have consequences back in 2000,2002 and 2004 are now acting like a spoiled kid when the game outcome doesn't benefits them. Instead of throwing the game board off the table these little children are smashing the other players' windows and sending death threats to their kids.
And if something does happen God forbid the blood is on the Republican "leadership" hands, they no longer allow their flunkies in the right wing media to spread hate and fear among their supporters they're doing it themselves. When you have elected officials telling their supporters they should take up arms or the government health care plan is a plot to kill granny it's not a shock when people lose their minds.
The right wing in a span of three years went from telling people if you're critical of the president you're a terrorist best friend now they're saying hell if you want to talk about killing a president or threaten violence towards members of his political party that's ok, that's freedom of speech. Again if something happens not only should a person like Glenn Beck lose his job, he should be on trail and convicted..
Before right wing lurkers scream, all you have to do is go to mediamatters.org and go to his section and the evidence is right there.
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