The recently passed health care reform act includes a 10 percent tax on indoor tanning salons to help pay for expanded insurance coverage for millions of Americans. Radio host Doc Thompson(R-minor league right wing dingle berry), subbing in for Fox News host Glenn Beck on his radio show today, used the tax to make the absurd accusation that the health bill is somehow “racist”:
For years I’ve suggested that racism was in decline and yeah, there are some, you know, incidents that still happen with regards to racism, but most of the claims I’ve said for years, well, they’re not really real. But I realize now that I was wrong. For I now too feel the pain of racism. Racism has been dropped at my front door and the front door of all lighter-skinned Americans. The health care bill the president just singed into law includes a 10 percent tax on all indoor tanning sessions starting July 1st, and I say, who uses tanning? Is it dark-skinned people? I don’t think so. I would guess that most tanning sessions are from light-skinned Americans. Why would the President of the United Stats of America — a man who says he understands racism, a man who has been confronted with racism — why would he sign such a racist law? Why would he agree to do that? Well now I feel the pain of racism.
Listen here:
The real motivation behind the tanning tax is to disincentive the carcinogenic practice of indoor tanning. Later in the show, when asked about real racism — Congressional Black Caucus members being spit upon and yelled at — Thompson refused to believe their testimony, despite the presence of new video evidence. Thompson suggested that the congressmen should be given a lie detector test to see if they are telling the truth. Thompson also began the show by saying that he can be heard regularly “in the capital of the Confederacy, Richmond, Virginia.” It’s not surprising that Beck would hand off his show to someone with Thompson’s views, considering Beck has called President Obama “racist” with a “deep-seated hatred for white people.” (HT: Atrios)
1 comment:
Michael D. Thompson, aka as Doc Thompson has been fired from WRVA and WLW700 while on his honeymoon. Thank you WRVA and WLW700 for making our communities a better place to live in. Doc is now slinging mud on 1270 WXYT-AM in Detroit.
Doc Thompson, WRVA and 700WLW radio talk show host and sometimes fill-in for the nut-case Glenn Beck, and Tea Party Darling, hides behind a cloak of satire so he can defend his hate speech by saying "can't you take a joke?" If it is not Muslims, it is African-Americans or Hispanics at the end of his sharp, hateful, mean-spirited forked tongue. In this segment, his use of the recorded word "Negro" over and over is his attempt at dissing African-Americans. Racist to the core.
(Coming soon - Peanut Allergies) - a new video featuring Doc Thompson and his Peanut Gallery exploitating the death of a local Richmond area child who died at school from an allergic reaction to a know peanut allergy.
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